Saturday, July 24


Today, the FedEx man payed us a visit and dropped off a surprise for Rowan from Sami and her Mom and Dad. Rory hauled it upstairs to show Rowan and he got excited (who wouldn't, the box was almost as big as he is). As we began opening it, he peered in and said "Ooowee, this is good." Then once I had pulled all the pieces out of the box, we decided it would be better to set it up in the family room. So we hauled the pieces downstairs and put his brand new tool bench together. Rowan promptly began arranging and using the tools. Grandpa came down to play too. Rowan loves it and thinks he's big, using tools like Grandpa (though I don't think Grandpa works at the tool bench in not but a diaper :)). Thank you Britt, Paul and Sami! We love you guys!


  1. What? I have to dress him EVERYDAY?! Sheesh, you'd think I'm his mom or something...No, the package came just as we were going to dress him. He was more interested in the toy, so we let him go Tarzan for a little bit.
